First guest group in Brussels

First guest group in Brussels

The busy start of the year has included numerous meetings and political discussions, but few were as pleasant and memorable as the visit of MEP Aura Salla’s first guest group of her parliamentary term to Brussels.

During the two-day visit, the group of 28 consisted of Finnish influencers, experts from various fields, and citizens interested in politics. The program provided a comprehensive overview of EU decision-making, European cooperation, and current political issues. The visitors had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the workings of the European Parliament, where they were introduced to the legislative process and the role of the Parliament in EU decision-making. Acting as the group’s host, MEP Aura Salla shared her experiences of working as a Member of the European Parliament and answered participants’ questions.

One of the highlights of the visit was a meeting at the European Commission, where the group engaged in discussions with Commissioner Henna Virkkunen on EU competitiveness, the green transition, and energy policy. Additionally, the program included a visit to the House of European History, where participants gained a unique insight into Europe’s development and the background of the Union.

“It is always a pleasure to welcome friends from Finland. It was great to discuss the future of the EU and topics important to Finns with the visitors. I want those who have experienced the heart of decision-making to gain an even deeper understanding of how the European Union operates and how Finland and we as MEPs can influence its direction,” said MEP Aura Salla.

MEPs can invite up to 100 guests per year in a maximum of five groups to visit the European Parliament—either in Brussels or Strasbourg. These visits offer a unique opportunity to closely explore the EU institutions and their decision-making processes, as well as to exchange views with MEPs and other experts. MEP Aura Salla intends to continue utilizing this opportunity to bring more Finns to the heart of the EU and to increase understanding of European decision-making.